General information, payment options, and privacy policy
Payment methods
When you are ready to place an order, please contact us for pricing options to receive your invoice.
Invoices may be paid by:
Credit card
Both Mastercard and Visa are accepted. To best protect your privacy, we have selected Bambora to process your payment transaction. Please view our privacy policy for more details.
If you prefer to have us process your transaction manually, please call +1 403 451 4886 and have your credit cards details ready.
Alternatively, you can make your payment online by completing the form below.
Wire transfer
To perform a wire transfer, you will need Geogiga Technology Corp.'s banking information, including our bank name, branch address, transit number, and account number. These banking details will be found on the second page of your invoice.
Cheque, bank draft, money order
Cheques, bank drafts, and money orders should be made payable to Geogiga Technology Corp. and mailed to the following address:
Geogiga Technology Corp. Suite 900, 903-8th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta, T2P 0P7 Canada
To make a payment by PayPal, log in to your PayPal account, click on Send Money, and send payment to support@geogiga.com.
If you do not have a PayPal account, you will need to set one up before you can send a payment.