Conventional Refraction Analysis
Highly interactive first-break picking and automatic phantom to derive layered velocity structures with GRM
Data input
- Import all records of a survey line at one time
- Efficiently assign geometry measured with slope or horizontal distance
- Input elevation data
- Optionally load first-break picks together with seismic data for reprocessing
- Support most third-party picks formats
Data processing
- AGC, trace balance, and frequency filtering
- Trigger delay correction
- Undo or redo multiple steps in data processing
First-break picking
- Manually pick first breaks with a trace magnifier
- Automatically pick first breaks guided by velocity or waveform phase
- Test layer velocity on refraction waveforms
- Overlay shear waves of opposite polarity to assist picking
- Merge multiple picks files
Layer assignment and phantom
- Shot depth correction
- Interactively assign layers on T-X curves or seismic traces
- Check layer assignment with intercept time method (ITM)
- Automatically or manually phantom time-distance curves
- Check phantom with reciprocal time
- GRM, DTM, ITM, and plus-minus method
- Allow lateral variation of surface velocity
- Create lateral velocity segments with GRM
- Plot depth section with the envelope of arcs
- Display velocity sections with colours and editable lithologic symbols
- Plot well data
- Show receiver and shot point locations on velocity section
See other Refraction products: